the festival

In.out.sider is a free multidisciplinary festival that promotes diversity through an eclectic and inclusive programming. The next edition of the event will take place from October 3rd to 6th, 2024, at LaVallée (Molenbeek-Saint-Jean).

In.out.sider is an alternative festival, a space for the unconventional, the daring, and all those who exist on the fringes. Through a program where styles, mediums, and voices collide, In.out.sider shakes conventions, encourages experiencing the other, and inspires contemplation beyond oneself. Ultimately, In.out.sider is a celebration, a festivity of raw talents and creativity.

original lineup

The festival offers an inclusive, original, and far-from-mainstream lineup. Experimental live performances, hybrid sets with unfamiliar sounds, and musical experiments encourage the audience to keep an open mind to discoveries, shifting their perspective. Beyond the musical programming, which forms the core of the event, In.out.sider also presents film screenings followed by discussions, exhibitions, workshops, and aims to embrace new artistic practices in future editions.

strong commitment

The inclusivity of artists from minorities or with disabilities is an integral part of the In.out.sider festival. The project emerged from the observation that outsider art was significantly underrepresented in artistic programs, despite the quality of the produced works. Several days of workshops dedicated to artists with or without disabilities are organized before and during the event to facilitate encounters and diversity around various artistic practices. Overall, the artistic programming highlights artists "on the margins" and from minority backgrounds.

specialized partners

Since the first edition of the event, the In.out.sider team has partnered with local and international specialists in the fields of disability and artistic practices (Krake Festival, Creahm, Centre Sésame, Kunstwerkplaats De Zandberg, Zonnelied, Notre Village, ...). It is essential for us to involve experts in the field of disabilities to better integrate these artists into our programming. Beyond disability, we entrust the curation of certain parts of the event to talented artists to ensure the artistic diversity of our event.

Who are we?

In.out.sider was co-created by LaVallée and Urban Boat.

Cultural space located in the heart of Molenbeek, LaVallée hosts many artistic events and is dedicated to showcasing artists from all horizons. LaVallée collaborates and produces a large number of events related to inclusion themes.

Urban Boat, with the Thabor barge, is conceived as a mobile cultural and artistic tool. As a venue with its floating outdoor stage, Urban Boat can host concerts, performances, film screenings, and more. With its cabins, large workspace, and sound creation studio, it is also a place for artistic creation residencies.